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Welcome to BODA Version 2!

BODA V2 was launched on Binance Smart Chain on the 22nd September 2021.

BODA V2 still maintains the same community standards as the original BODA token, but this time we have added a huge bonus! BODA V2 token holders can now earn up to 19% BUSD auto-dividends!

BODA V2 has a locked liquidity pool to ensure liquidity funds are SAFU! We have kept the original anti-whale mechanism from the old BODA, which limits buy order to a maximum of 1% of total supply.

We have added a 12% buy tax to ensure that everyone gets to earn BUSD auto-dividends from every buy order. And we have added a 20% sales tax to punish those weak hands and reward those diamond hands with higher BUSD auto-dividends.

We have added a sell limiter of 1 Trillion BODA V2 per sell order to help prevent rug pulls and large dumping for the initial launch period. We can remove this sell limit function in the future when our token reaches a safe and comfortable price floor.

BODA V2 will have planned quarterly buy-back and token burns to help promote price increases in the trading market. We will be using the BUSD auto-dividends earned from our yield fund and development fund wallets to pay for the buy backs.

As the new smart contract for BODA V2 will be open, we will finally be able to develop a Yield Farm and make progress on our future goals of an NFT platform. We are extremely excited about the future of BODA V2!

BODA ($BODAV2) is a BSC token on the Binance Smart Chain network with a contact address of 0xdc847755343C3A2B94d6aFC0aAE57651E1b14064. You can review BODA on BSC Scan and information about its contract can be found here.

CoinLaunch detected BODA at 12:51 AM on Wednesday the 22nd of September 2021. About 1 hour later our algorithm selected it for listing in the Just Launched section of CoinLaunch.

BODA has received no votes today giving it a total of 67 votes since it was added to CoinLaunch. When BODA receives an additional 433 votes it will become Listed on CoinLaunch.

To find out more about BODA you can search Google using the coins Name or Contract Address. For more useful links when researching BODA see the “Research” dropdown on this page. When researching any coin take care to ensure the information you are looking at is related to the Contract Address of the coin you are researching.

Contract scanners can also help to highlight potential issues with coins, try scanning BODA with StaySafu Scanner. When scanning a coin it is always important to do your own research as scanners can miss issues or give false positives.

A chart for BODA and information on Market Cap and warnings about Liquidity are available at Poocoin. To purchases BODA you can enter the contract address on PancakeSwap.

Coin Launched
Coin Added
Coin Discovered
Sep 22nd 2021
Sep 22nd 2021
1 hour after launch