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PYE โ€” $PYE
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PYE is looking to fully disrupt the decentralized world. DevTeamSix is the team behind the PYE project that is building better tech than what is currently available today. We are more than just a DeFi token, we are the future of Defi/Decentralization and CEXDEX.

PYE is community driven and charity based. We are 100% community Obsessed! We have built the best, most passionate community with active members who are the drivers in the evolution of PYE. Join us for the ride of a lifetime and be a part of making a true impact on the world to help stop world hunger and disrupt the decentralized world by offering unique tech and more affordable access to everyone.

PYE ($PYE) is a BSC token on the Binance Smart Chain network with a contact address of 0x853FCf1e9CAd2FAE2150621D583c98dc5f8748f3. You can review PYE on BSC Scan and information about its contract can be found here.

CoinLaunch detected PYE at 5:39 AM on Thursday the 2nd of December 2021. About 12 hours later our algorithm selected it for listing in the Just Launched section of CoinLaunch.

PYE has received no votes today giving it a total of 1379 votes since it was added to CoinLaunch. As PYE has recieved over 500 votes it is a Listed coin on CoinLaunch.

To find out more about PYE you can search Google using the coins Name or Contract Address. For more useful links when researching PYE see the “Research” dropdown on this page. When researching any coin take care to ensure the information you are looking at is related to the Contract Address of the coin you are researching.

Contract scanners can also help to highlight potential issues with coins, try scanning PYE with StaySafu Scanner. When scanning a coin it is always important to do your own research as scanners can miss issues or give false positives.

A chart for PYE and information on Market Cap and warnings about Liquidity are available at Poocoin. To purchases PYE you can enter the contract address on PancakeSwap.

Coin Launched
Coin Added
Coin Discovered
Dec 02nd 2021
Dec 02nd 2021
12 hours after launch