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ZEROPAY finance is a decentralised payment token which is a frictionless, high-yield, deflationary token held on the Binance Smart Chain.

ZEROPAY enables to use convenient and rapid payment service anytime and anywhere with all digital asset including crypto currency. ZEROPAY is an open payment system for every main agent of economic systems such as E commerce, business owner, finance company, retail shop, Distribution Company, and fin-tech Company.
A variety of large e-commerce platforms throughout worldwide are partnering with ZeroPay Finance to drive initial adoption. Merchants can save potentially hundreds of millions of U.S. dollars-worth of transaction fees annually, and stand to gain additional market share from competitors. In this way, ZEROPAY will begin creating a more useful and trusted decentralized marketplace with its existing alliance of e-commerce partners.

What are Zeropay Crypto Cards?
The zero pay card allows users to spend their cryptocurrency balance on the zero pay wallet with ease by paying at any supported payment point or withdrawing at supported ATMs worldwide, as conveniently as local currency is used today.
What are the benefits of Zeropay Crypto Cards?
A user is also able to select the cryptocurrency with which they would like to make payment. For enhanced card security, users can choose to receive real-time notifications upon the completion of each zeropay card transaction, and lock or unlock their zeropay card at any time. Full transaction details of payment and withdrawals using the zeropay card can also be viewed on the zeropay wallet.

◆ Zero card issue charges
◆ Zero yearly fee
◆ No hidden charges/taxes
◆ Easy to Use

ZEROPAY FINANCE ($ZEROPAY) is a BSC token on the Binance Smart Chain network with a contact address of 0x1317844b72a14bE861E0eB8b9D427Cf3FEb84A24. You can review ZEROPAY FINANCE on BSC Scan and information about its contract can be found here.

CoinLaunch detected ZEROPAY FINANCE at 7:00 AM on Friday the 17th of September 2021. About 1 week later our algorithm selected it for listing in the Just Launched section of CoinLaunch.

ZEROPAY FINANCE has received no votes today giving it a total of 2 votes since it was added to CoinLaunch. When ZEROPAY FINANCE receives an additional 3 votes it will become Prelisted on CoinLaunch.

To find out more about ZEROPAY FINANCE you can search Google using the coins Name or Contract Address. For more useful links when researching ZEROPAY FINANCE see the “Research” dropdown on this page. When researching any coin take care to ensure the information you are looking at is related to the Contract Address of the coin you are researching.

Contract scanners can also help to highlight potential issues with coins, try scanning ZEROPAY FINANCE with StaySafu Scanner. When scanning a coin it is always important to do your own research as scanners can miss issues or give false positives.

A chart for ZEROPAY FINANCE and information on Market Cap and warnings about Liquidity are available at Poocoin. To purchases ZEROPAY FINANCE you can enter the contract address on PancakeSwap.

Coin Launched
Coin Added
Coin Discovered
Sep 17th 2021
Sep 27th 2021
1 week after launch