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RedBull โ€” $RB
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RedBull needs
495 votes to be listed.
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This coin listing was added to CoinLaunch via an automated process and has not been reviewed by the CoinLaunch team.

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RedBull ($RB) is a BSC token on the Binance Smart Chain network with a contact address of 0x09187C9107940DC21311d2763DF34d03721027ad. You can review RedBull on BSC Scan and information about its contract can be found here.

CoinLaunch detected RedBull at 10:46 AM on Sunday the 12th of June 2022. About 1 day later our algorithm selected it for listing in the Just Launched section of CoinLaunch.

RedBull has received no votes today giving it a total of 5 votes since it was added to CoinLaunch. When RedBull receives an additional 495 votes it will become Listed on CoinLaunch.

To find out more about RedBull you can search Google using the coins Name or Contract Address. For more useful links when researching RedBull see the “Research” dropdown on this page. When researching any coin take care to ensure the information you are looking at is related to the Contract Address of the coin you are researching.

Contract scanners can also help to highlight potential issues with coins, try scanning RedBull with StaySafu Scanner. When scanning a coin it is always important to do your own research as scanners can miss issues or give false positives.

A chart for RedBull and information on Market Cap and warnings about Liquidity are available at Poocoin. To purchases RedBull you can enter the contract address on PancakeSwap.

Coin Launched
Coin Added
Coin Discovered
Jun 12th 2022
Jun 13th 2022
1 day after launch